
I made a short fictional story about the Smurf Cat meme for no reason

Here, lol
I ran through the woodland, hyperventilating as my heart condensed against my rib cage…I had to find it. It was all over the news, “Impenetrable blue microscopic cat rumored to be in the Amazon forest.”, it was painted on the billboards for the inquisition and even buildings, I HAD TO FIND IT. Vaulting over mushrooms, and practically tripping on long weeds; frivolity will stop me. I have been misunderstood my entire life, “He’s just a boy! Who would give such?” “He's a dumbass, don't trust him!” “Go away, idiot.” “What a bottom feeder…”.This is my wager to ascertain EVERYONE awry! I'm not just a boy, I'm a Sherlock!
After hours of nonstop running, I felt gravity pull me down. I couldn't help but drop onto the wet grass that had been soaked by the rain… I couldn't make it, I can't run anymore, it's too hard... I need to give up…there's no way I can find it…I’m just a boy; they were right! Then, I heard a mysterious voice, “We live, we love, we lie.” I jerked my head toward the sound and scurried to the moving leaf, “We live, we love, we lie.”
I then put my hand on the leaf and seized it away, and to my astonishment, I spotted the cat! I covered my mouth, my heart rebounded a beat, and tears flooded my eyes… I’ve found it! “We live, we love, we lie.” the cat reiterated as he sauntered along the lonesome branch. I clasped my phone to take a snapshot but I felt a leverage stop me. I don't need notoriety to be liked, I can just be a boy…this sighting is ALL I need, I don't need it to be popular…as it is such an ignorant creature.
The cat is right, we can live, we can love, and occasionally; we can even lie. I kneeled and scrutinized the smurf walk around the branch as the moon beamed at us, just the two of us…
Random edit because I stupidly misspelled through


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  [][][][] (still the leader ...

We live we love we lie

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