
BRUH (also hi)

So you know how sometimes your body does these weird sensations during your dreams for some reason I do not know? Well... I woke up a few minutes ago to the sensation of a small spider crawling on me... it happened twice in the dream and I killed the first one but I couldn't kill the second one, and woke up because I was like panicking in my dream. I also remember some of the dream before that, which also included a lot of spiders... and a whole ant colony. So uh.. to summarize, I was in my room at one of my old houses I used to live in, and I looked under the mattress of the bed, and saw a whole colony of ants, and a bunch of spiders. There was also a big hole in the bed where the ant queen was, I assumed. So I poured water into the hole and if I'm not mistaken, I heard a slight sizzling sound. Also to make it worse, some spiders came out of the bed onto the pillows.
I wonder what this whole dream means. If you can tell me, I am interested.

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