
How to (probably) get "popular" based on general observances and studies I made so far.

I'm just making this to uh prove a point? I don't know. Hah. I wouldn't follow any advice from someone who isn't even popular themselves, lmao. Anywho, let's get into it!
(warning, somewhat crude jokes, covid. Be safe!)
1. Well-known franchises
Now, in order to get people's eyes caught in your art, you can draw something that is very popular in current time. An example would be, the amazing digital circus! If anyone sees anything within their line of interest or comfort zone, the clicks will roll in! But, that won't work unless you follow through with these following things!

2. "Well-made" art
Now, every art piece (except lewd, go do that on the lewd-dedicated websites!! Fiend!!) should be considered well made and valid! Even a simple stickman doodle is considered a very valid art piece!! But we're going with what marks an art piece that has immense effort. 1. The art should have clean lines and line art. (unless it's apart of the drawing and it's a stylistic choice) 2. It should have color, and a background of any kind (background isn't required, but it does help) 3. It should have a decent amount of shading!! 4. The style shouldn't be to simple (like a smiley face?) this'll prevent from people thinking it's anything interesting, and they'll keep scrolling (those pesky people!!/j)

3. Anything to do with themselves
People want things, they're greedy, they want something of them or for them, they're selfish! But don't feel to ashamed, it's apart of being human!! Just survival! But to much of it isn't particularly pleasant. No one is purely good or evil. Just human. Making fanarts for others, interactive things, you name it! Even pick-a-spot's!

4. Elipsy and Gore warnings (warnings in general)
Warnings are used to keep our fellow users safe! That was they don't get triggered or have a life-threatening event! But god-damn they do make some Hella good BAIT! Haha, jkjk. Not really. People are curious, and they like to dwell on negative things. Awwww, you wanted to share a picture of your cat? WELL NO ONE CARES ABOUT FLUFFYBOSOM, PEOPLE ARE DYING!!! COVID MEGATRON SUPREME PLUS TRIPLE A IS HERE!!!!

Anyway, oh wow- already popular now, aren't cha? Guess my little tips happened to w-... what? You...followed the tips from some YouTube video and now your a celebrity...? Oh. Well [#$%^] you.

Should you follow these tips? NO. BE YOURSELF. DO WHAT YOU ENJOY!! (as long as it isn't illegal or disgusting-) I HARDLY USE ANY OF THESE TIPS MYSELF!!! Now, go frolic in the sunset-

THIS IS PURE SATIRE! IT'S ALL A JOKE! Though, these things kind of do work- I hope you enjoyed it, sorry if you were expecting actual advice hah. Good day/night to you!! Have a great rest of your day ! ^^

7 months ago   26 views   1 frames   5 Like




Dayum that was fast- jkjk lol are you okay-?/j

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