Mimz ☆

Christmas doesn't really christmas anymore, no matter how nostalgic it makes me every time (lil vent sorry)

I've never really changed through my growth... but I changed my way to see the world, and now nothing around me looks innocent to me anymore. I hate going to my parents' friends house now, I used to "love" it as a kid because they had lots of toys and other kids my age. Now they're all gone from the house when we visit them, and all I can do is sit with them and listen to them speak loudly about political stuff... and let's say they are a pretty conservative family. Christmas and new year's eve used to be great with them, but now I even feel guilt when i have to see them. Plus I'm really into boycotting lately, and yk, big family meals, christmas, consumerism... Yea. Nothing looks innocent in my eyes anymore. It ain't a bad thing at all to not support bad people, it's just incredibly saddening. It was here since the start and no one has ever told you about it
"The dumbest ones are the happiest ones"


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