
Sorry there isn't any new pages today, or the two that were supposed to come out yesterday. (Small announcement and animation)

Yeah, I know, Dark Sweep literally just came out and is in progress, and I've already felt burnt out. I'm gonna be completely honest, I literally am exhausted from creating. It feels like a chore to keep going right now, and yeah, I'm burnt out. I'm burnt out from even working on my fanfiction, and I feel so bad because I said I would be better with release dates and getting things out on time. I feel so so bad. And no, it's not okay. I need to get better with organizing, and time management. If I don't get better with deadlines, who's going to hire me? No one wants an incompetent animator who can't meet their deadlines. My future is screwed if I can't. Nobody wants a burnt out character designer. Not to mention that grades are due this Friday, and if I can't even manage to keep my grades up, it's over. I can't contribute to my own fucking PROMOTION. Good god, man. But, I'm rambling now. Just complaining, when mostly, this is my fault, my responsibility. I'm not as worried with Dark Sweep. It's barley gained traction, and there aren't many pages at the moment, it's not a top priority. But my fanfiction was the one project where I felt like I wasn't completely useless with, you know? But keeping up with it lately... feels like some sort of chore. And I want the thrill again. The motivation, you know? But... there's no inspiration that's in that genre or that interest. At least, even if there is, it isn't enough. But, honestly, I just wanna read Vast Error all day. That's it. I don't want these responsibilities, or these projects to worry with, and the deadlines. I just wanna exist. But, whatever. Honestly. Hah. Um, yeah sorry guys. Guess that's a vent. But I mean, you don't really seem to mind, huh? At least with those thoughts of yours and the typing on the screen, ready to upload that new, reassuring comment. Oh, what a thrill, to indulge in the fangs of humanity. Anywho yeah! Have this silly little animation! On other terms, I really hope PISTOLERO is doing alright...!

3 months ago   11 浏览量   30 框架   2 喜欢



𝓪𝓾𝓰𝓰𝓲𝓮 ☆

Oh yeah, I get that, for some reason that tends to happen to us artists a LOT. And maybe like, take a step back and let go to look at it all, and divide your focuses of the future and other things in small sections. But, hah, I don't really know. And yeah, you to! Thank you!! (And lol, maybe)

3 months ago   回复

❔️Xeflistack / Pringle❔️

Ah, I hope things get better for you to with your project, man!

3 months ago   回复


Awww thank you, and I think I shall 😊!!

3 months ago   回复
  𝓪𝓾𝓰𝓰𝓲𝓮 ☆

Honestly, same. I've been like this for some time now, it's annoying me when ppl tell me to draw things for them and I cant, I dont want to. But it's just me being lazy and I should work harder for my future but the further we go I'm getting worse at everything idk man
Anyway dont push yourself too hard, I say you should rest for a day or two and you'll miss doing these things soon :) (and maybe not, like me lmaooo)

3 months ago   回复 (1)
  ❔️Xeflistack / Pringle❔️

I can totally relate with this dude you aren't alone, I've been dreading doing work on my object show, just like how you're burnt out with dark sweep

3 months ago   回复 (1)

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