Mr Milk

Beast Arachnid

Sketch I made of genetically modified scorpion/ant hybrid


9 months ago   8 views   1 frames   2 Like



Mr Milk

(I didn't read this through yesterday 👹, NOOOO, Also this is some crazy back dropping storyline, It's already breaking my back.)

9 months ago   Reply
  Mr Milk

Mr Milk

After ernst came his son, Hans, who led the empire with a more Democratic interest, however, he himself was still corrupt and had scientists secretly conduct experiments, causing them to be the founder of technology that allowed them not only to travel through space and time at the speed of light(many people died in the process of experimenting with this), and technology that allowed them to open portals to other dimensions. The portals leads to them opening a hell dimension which engulfs the world, leading every country and human to team up and fight against the creatures attempting to kill them all. After this, czechia is left in ruins but the people ban together and create czechia once more as a democracy.

9 months ago   Reply (1)
  Mr Milk


The reason is because of the second emperor, Ernst Klein, who came to power in 1933 and invaded many countries and killed 60 million people. He died in 1976 when he invaded Cuba and was assassinated by a soldier named Enesto Perez who later on became the field Marshal of Cuba but was mysteriously assassinated by terrorists who were allied with the Empire after ernst Klein's death. This event leads to the 5th game I'm currently making, when Fidel Castro decided to send soldiers to the empire in distrustful anxiety for the Empire's secret activities after ernst Klein's death.

9 months ago   Reply (1)

Mr Milk

Will there be a reason as of why tyrannical empire originating from what used to be Czechoslovakia has a reason to attempt such thing?

9 months ago   Reply (1)
  Mr Milk


Not really, I'm kinda doing my own thing

I mean maybe a little bit but not really, the stories of our games are quite different from each other

9 months ago   Reply (1)

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