Severe thunderstorms are coming to my location at 6:00AM
so I got this app called News right and you should download it now because it says real time of alerts all of that stuff but you can create your own so next go to your settings and then until you you see on settings what says antics then you click on the click up website and then choose one of your phone and post it But you have to use the template with it but James in the news sent me storms are entering Albertville at 6 AM the creepiest time 3 AM so be there too so sorry siren head might come out at night, but if you’re in any location in Albertville or if you’re in a county, Marshall county 6 AM you’re gonna get storms maybe tornado warnings dangerous storms severe storms but if you have 19 download locate where all of that stuff so please download it and please see this in in all you have to search is severe thunderstorms are coming to my location at 6:00AM
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