
Just got back from the fair :3

It was so awesome omg
I only got to ride 3 of the rides but it was fun either way! First ride I went on was a spaceship! You get inside and lay against the wall and it spins super fast! Loved that one
Second ride I went on was a mini roller coaster! It was way bigger than the kid ones but still pretty small if you know what I mean lol- it was pretty cool
And the last ride I went on was a ferris wheel type ride except the seats go upside down and it's also pretty fast! That one was my fav by far
Yes I may have had a small panic attack because of the shock from the ride...... BUT IT WAS WORTH IT!!!!!!!
There was one ride I REALLY wanted to ride but the line was like an hour wait :( but oh well-
OH YEA ANDDD I GOT SOME SUPER SILLY PRIZES!!!! I got an axolotl hat that has movable ear(?) things!! And I also got a big alien plush for my gf as a gift for when we meet up irl one day :]
I also got a few stickers from some booths!
But dude omg, trying to get a drink was such torture.. 90% of the stands didn't have any drinks/ the drinks machine wasn't working 😭😭 I finally was able to get a coke icey so YIPEEE
and that's about it! I'm done rambling now lmao
Idk if anyone reads my dumb rambles anyway BUT WHATEVER-
ANYWHOOO I'm gonna go for the night cause I'm exhausted asf

2 days ago   17 浏览量   2 框架   3 喜欢


  ImmortalOrgans [THE SEQUEL]


1 days ago   回复


OOH RIGHT I ALSO DID BUMPER CARS I completely forgot about that lol
But the spaceship one was called abduction and the ferris wheel I forget but it had a super long name lol

2 days ago   回复

The spaceship like-one is usually called the twister frkm what i know, and the ferris wheel-like one for me was called the zipper. Also glad you enjoyed it, at fairs i only rode the bumper cars because I don't really like rides.

2 days ago   回复 (1)

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