Mini muffin

I need a break

I'm sorry
Recently there's been a lot more going on in my life and I'm really overwhelmed and I can't even type it out to explain without crying so I'm just not going to
It's hit the point where I'm extremely overly sensitive
I feel like an idiot. I feel like I'm ruining everything and even though for the most part all of you are only helping my mental health little things hurt alot. It's to the point that if I get one mor evident that says to kms I'll take it way to serious and do it I feel like being here right now is a bad idea
I might check in but I won't coment or post. I'll miss you guys
I will be back sometime in the next week.

2 days ago   16 浏览量   1 框架   4 喜欢


  Bizz_the moth:3

See you soon I’ll miss you 😢

2 days ago   回复
  ⋆☾╶⃝⃤☽⋆Zeze (Leader of Zees...

Is it my fault at all since you know what I did even if it's not I feel so bad

2 days ago   回复
  Mini muffin


I just wrote a really long coment and it ended up being to long to send so just long story short, my parents are in the middle of reinstating a restraining order against my step dad and my bio mom is harassing me but I won't let them get a restraining order on her cause she manipulated me to feel bad and even though I know that I'm still like this. This app has helped but I'm still on edge and idk little mean coments have made that worse and then yeah I'm just a little overwhelmed and need a break. I'm not mad at you. I hope we both get better

2 days ago   回复

Mini muffin

, you’re just an awesome person in general . Makes me feel even worse that I’ve talked shit to you like that. Also weird how I was literally doing shitty things like that and then all of the sudden you’re gone. It was really not my intention to be like that. I’m so incredibly sorry and
Sorry for the long comment, if you even took your time to read this , then please know this, you’re an awesome person . Please never give up what you are like, never stop drawing because I’m pretty sure that , including me , your drawings make people happy . And last but not least , never listen to shitheads like me

2 days ago   回复 (1)

Mini muffin

Im so incredibly sorry about how i acted like this. I never wanted to hurt you like that and i did definitely not have the right to straight up just talk like that . It’s funny how I stupidly just scolded you for basically being (rightfully) happy, only because I , myself ,did not feel so great. As for the friends thing , you , in fact, are one of my best friends on the platform. Even though we don’t talk that much and don’t really interact regularly, I still really enjoy having short conversations with you . I’d love to interact more though. You probably don’t know this, but I do really enjoy your posts and drawings . I genuinely think your drawing style is amazing! It may not seem so “realistic “ or whatever you’d otherwise like it to be, but it’s definitely adorable and it always makes my day to see your drawings.

2 days ago   回复

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