
Wouldn't you believe it, I had another bad dream about spiders (very long read)

These ones were called Web Weavers. Idk why they were called that considering that every spider weaves webs. But anyway, they were pretty big, like I wanna say about the size of your hand, if not bigger. They had two giant eyes at the front and they had two different colored legs, on their right they had blue legs, and on their left they had green legs. The rest of their body was gray/brown. Though their eyes were big and cute looking, there was something unnerving about them. It was also said that "they are sensitive to light like we (humans) are", which means they probably see like we do. They were very intelligent, and they tend to hide in objects. For example, they hid in a tiny piano that had wheels attached to it. This piano in particular approached me (but it wasn't really me which was weird) and it didn't seem to move once it was at my feet, but then I noticed a baby Web Weaver crawling on my shirt. It was heading straight for my face and I tried to shake it off. Then I realized that more of them were probably on my back, and I noticed there was a yoyo looking thing attached to its thread, so I pulled it and felt something scratch my back like it was trying not to fall off. That's when the dream ended, but I still have more information about them. They seemed to understand the (American) English language. Also, they had a very weird mouth. Instead of having fangs, they had a mouth that almost wraps around it's head just beneath the two big eyes. And its mouth is flexible like a snake's mouth, but it has rows of teeth, like a snail (I think). The weird thing about the mouth was that it was completely white. Idk why but it was. Also, I haven't gotten a good look at its full body, the angle I was given had the head cover most of the body. Another thing, idk if these spiders eat humans or want to control them or something, I'll just leave that to you.

But anyway that was the spider in my bad dream. I would draw it but I don't feel like it... sorry. But if you want to try to draw it from this description I gave you, you're more than welcome to (also please provide credit, thank you). I would like to see your drawings though so please let me know when you finish it.


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