Georgia is hardly online

Winter: hi guys! *sings and makes snow fall around her* hehe~!

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7 years ago   40 浏览量   1 框架


  diamondkitty1 ~im a big gir...

Fall: * blushs orange a bit * that's a cool heart

7 years ago   回复
  Georgia is hardly online

Winter: *gets some snow and outlines a heart with white and orange side by side both equal*

7 years ago   回复
  diamondkitty1 ~im a big gir...

Fall: * looks at the grass * whate did I just do that ?

7 years ago   回复
  diamondkitty1 ~im a big gir...

Fall: hehe ! * makes the grass around him turn oreage and white

7 years ago   回复

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