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Looking past the glass ep2 To far gone

Mark and josh stand there as sam slowly walks into the forest with a feeling of regret ,hurry up mark says in and annoyed voice 'ya don't want the monster gettin' yuh do we Josh says playfully sam sprint's deeper into the woods out of fright soon enough sam seems to be in a new world it's bright there's music the flowers are all mix matched colors and then sam look behind him to see a big red and white striped circus tint sitting there ,it seems to be in good shape so I don't think it's abandoned sam mutters in case there's anyone around

Sam walks closer to the tint getting even more excited to see what's behind the red and white curtain. Sam steps in and he can see cotton candy and popcorn scattered everywhere there's rainbow lights slowly moving back and forth from each side of the tint.

Hay HAY over here silly a random voice says. Sam can't tell where he is hearing it but then a a funny looking clown pops up infront of him hanging from a bar. Mister what are you doing up side down asks sam. Well what are you doing right side up asks the strange clown. Well standing right side up is the correct way to stand Sam says still confused where he is. Well I can't argue with a tiny child chuckles the strange clown

TINY!? I'm not tiny exclaims sam while he crosses his arms

Anywho my name's lomba yours tiny guy, says the strange clown. I'm sam also again I'm not tiny Sam says more annoyed with the clown. Oh hay wanna play a game lomba says with a big grin on his face.
Sure why not sam says happily. You probably play hide and seek with your other friends so hmmm lomba says still trying to think of a game. Actually I don't have friends ah ha sam says awkwardly. CHEESE AND RISE how!? Your really fun says lomba getting closer to sam hoping that will help him understand. The kids make fun of me cuz of my father sam says pointing his head down slightly. Well why would they do that lomba says confused, They make fun of me cuz he left me when I was 6 says sam with tears forming in his eyes. Ah!? Sorry me lomba I didn't meen to cry sam says wiping his tears, no no it's alright kid *sigh* it does look like are times up though I will have to send you back lomba says disappointed. Why ca. I stay with you sam says sadly, listen come back to my and we can play for as long as you like promise lomba says. * Sam's heads home ignoring josh and mark* TBC

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