🏳️‍🌈 a cool unknown person ...

Gem me

I'm LapidotIsCute on a different ACC I forgot the other accounts password the LapidotIsCute no 2 pasword so I made another acc and this is it you should check this one out especially cause I have krapy drawings on there and important information that you should all know except my mom which is why I posted the important stuff on this ACC cause my mom doesn't know about this acc so you should all see it, prof I only put the gem on this one on my right hand cause I'm right hand dominant and I don't have a birthmark. Now go see my two post's on this acc


  🏳️‍🌈 FFXIII_Obsesed 🏳️‍⚧️

🏳️‍🌈 a cool unknown person ...

Yes I logged back in to this acc and everything I said there is true, hint the important information is about gender stuff

4 years ago   Reply

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