Finiz2wølfy (Koda, He/Him)

Any scary story anyone wanna share

This is a true story
was 12 am, and I was down on the middle floor of my house. I was playing animal jam with my crush, and she and I were doing random rps. I head claw scratching in my basement. I thought it must be my cats, then I heard it come to the middle of my basement. Still thinking it was my cats, I ignored it. I heard it at the top of the stairs, and I was like: Bella or mo are gonna claw me in the legs if I see what's wrong with them- so I kept thinking it was my cats. It was in the kitchen the 4th time and I have my desk in the dining room so I turn around quick, and saw A FUCKING FIGUR ON MY DAMN KITCHEN FLOOR! so I tell her I have to go cuz some demon is on my damn floor and I book it up my stairs fast as my tiny ass legs could take me. I still hear scrating at night. And it's been 3 mouths scence it happens.


  Ratty-ace 🐀

Finiz2wølfy (Koda, He/Him)

danggg did you ever found out what it was?

3 years ago   回复

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