
Subtle Homophobia vs Blatant Homophobia 👀👀👀

The reason people are saying "you are getting to hell" is because it's not acceptable by God to have feelings on the same gender, if you want you can check it on bible.
that's not can draw but can't be like that.
I like your animes tho-


  💜Zee Bee💙 @onelayergirl


Well I have read some of the Bible and there are people who are religious and gay/lesbian. I feel like as long as everybody is a good person and spreads love and not hate then that “going to hell” stuff isn’t true. I believe murderers and rapists and people with cruel hearts are the ONLY people who truly go to hell. So that’s what I live by. 😌💜 I know I’m not a bad person and it’s not bad to have feelings, even if it is for the same sex.

3 years ago   Reply (1)

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