

Yea and I'm 90% sure that most of the trolls come from abdel drama since he did admit he made alt accs to try n break kenmaz down to remove the restrictions. And since I kinda have the post where he admitted half the stuffz he was accused of most of the accs comment on my stuff first even if I don't post. It's so annoying weeding them out. I've accidentally blocked a few ppl because of it because they'll leave like shitpost comments and my brain will immediately go,"oh troll".




i sent you a request on discord if you wanna see my evidence

3 years ago   Reply


yeah, your probably right.
i mean i even got one on my latest post. those southpark ones, they called me the N-word and has said the f-slur, AND the r-slur
yeah sure it might be a troll but thats just straight up immature and disrespectful

3 years ago   Reply (1)

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