real hottie goxy

I just realized something...

Awww boo hoo you’re in that 95% 🥺🥺 you labeled your opinion as “Common Sense” and not a fucking controversial opinions post 😍😍 BAHA- ppl that don’t know what they’re talking about?? goddamn shawty you’re projecting hella time.
You talked about there only being TWO GENDERS when gender is a fluid identity that shifts from one person to the other when it’s TWO SEXES (You clearly not knowing what you’re talking about 🥰🥰)
YOU said that you thought the Flu was more dangerous than COVID-19 (AGAIN, not knowing what you’re talking about.)
Oh? What is that I see? You making a WHOLE POST harassing people’s beliefs?
Wow aren’t you just a bundle of hypocrisy !! 😻😻💖
Oooohhh how adorable you blocked me on my main account like a little coward 💞 if you’re going to be so ignorant, be confident in your stupidity and don’t be a pussy 💘💘🤠


  JacenTV (old account)

real hottie goxy

Also you know i can just block you right cuz i just did

3 years ago   Reply
  JacenTV (old account)

real hottie goxy

Ok i did get the whole flu thing wrong but theres still only 2 genders i dont give 2 fucks what google says also did you really need to take ur time and write that comment? Seems like a waste of time to me

3 years ago   Reply

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