
Subtle Homophobia vs Blatant Homophobia 👀👀👀

Zee Bee you are a queen and remember that. I don't think it is inappropriate because there is nothing inappropriate to see! I hate the way I see many hate comments. Like, if you have nothing nice to say don't say it at all!
Some people just shock me. You do what you and I think it's amazing! I love how you take the hate so well. Keep going queen✨❤️
(Sorry I'm really late to comment)


  💜Zee Bee💙 @onelayergirl


Aaaawwww thank you so much!!! Unfortunately it happens a lot and I probably will never see the end of it, but as long as I’m happy and enjoy what I draw then that’s all that really matters to me 🥰

3 years ago   Reply

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