💜Zee Bee💙 @onelayergirl


LOL Yea crazy 💀💀💀 but anyway as you can see from my time on DeviantArt up until now that I’ve improved tremendously with my art from years of experience. You and the other person just assume my art style isn’t great because of this app and that I need to improve or whatever. But if you truly see the difference of when I started digital art in 2008 until now then you know how much my art styles have changed. and also I joined this app in January this year and have drawn all these animes already. Speaks volumes on how much I continue to improve my craft even in my 30s. Most adults my age lose their childhood passions but I never did. I’m even an established comic artist now on the road to animating my own anime series. Of course with popularity comes criticism ALWAYS but I’m confident in myself and my art and that’s all that should matter to any artist ☺️👍🏽💖


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