Okay i may have started this a little too aggressive, but I’m a passive aggressive person. I don’t have a good vocabulary and I chose random ‘words’ like ‘ehh’. Your pessimism got it wrong, like I’m not saying that it looks bad ehh is like 70% for me. It may be my error in English but it is kinda getting mocked too.
Ma’am just trying to be polite and give some small advices, sorry for being aggressive ig? :,[
Also yeah my words are my opinions... stop being harsh on it. I don’t think y’all honestly take people’s opinions seriously, why are you adding oil to a fire that is going to fade.
Ok, I do understand that. My apologies if I also seemed passive aggressive, although my opinion doesn't change I'm sorry that I took it the wrong way. From an outsiders point of view ( someone who doesn't know that's how you just talk ) though, that is something that can be seen as rude and offensive.. I am sorry if I seemed defensive, I just truly thought you were simply trying to spread negativity. I wouldn't mock someone's english so that's what I was confused about