Pissy ♥︎

🌸pinky marce studio🌸

Technically no, but we consider it “broken” because many people who put a lot of effort into their drawings never end up in the ranking mark which lets their hard work go to a waste in a sense, however when it comes to people like TSK who are ‘famous’, simple drawings can end up there instantly. Its unfair and it leads to there being no diversity in the rankings, and many people end up going unnoticed. That’s why you’ll end up seeing many people with great talent being extremely underrated here. Of course people on the rankings can’t control if their art even gets up there, but thats why we don’t normally bash the people and instead the system.


  Simple animation studio!

Pissy ♥︎

No this is their first anime idk tho you can be right but I think that it would be hard to be popular with one anime in total

3 years ago   Reply (1)

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