

(Anwser part 1)
Fuck you ?
Ew keep your asshole for yourself eat it Yourself i know you want To do that so bad bro
Also who said i have 400 burner accounts ? Another bullshit who have been pooped from nowhere from your dying brain ?
"your jealously is showing."
The only reason of why a hater "hate" someone is because of jealousy i dont wanna flex but weird that the most cool and talented artist was hated
Yeah its egocentrical as hell but a part of it is true if kenmaz was not spammed of pathetical request of ban




Not true.
A hater simply CAN hate because they’re jealous.
Like you.
But, another reason to hate, why we all hate you, is because of something the person did. Hmm, let’s see... bein a p*do, bein rude, talkin back with nonsense that can’t be proven true at all 😂
It’s sad really
“I’m gonna leave this app in like 2 or 3 weeks”
You know what, man?
I don’t believe you.
I think you’re gonna make more accounts just to be a jerk and stuff.

3 years ago   回复 (1)


The fact that you want me to do so bad I mean kinda proves my point lmao. This answer is so grammatically bad. You sound like a 3 year old. Also you are literally replying to me on one of your 400 accounts,, which also proves my points. You realize how backwards your arguments are, right?

3 years ago   回复 (1)

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