

( Anwser part 2)
my Acc would be normal rigth now i am the only on this app who's exist During a litteral decade who's having his acc just restricted and not banned its a great honnor dont you think ? Look my art is so good that it are on recommanded again
, i am egocentrical ? Yes thanks but i was not like that before you made me being the shit that i am today haters just like to "see the world burn" i would prefer to say " doing shits because .. bored "
Cya i am roading to 100 subs on YouTube bye bye


  ♡The Extra Terrestrial Boba...


Abdle, for real. You used to act like a freaking weirdo and creep. Do you ACTUALLY think it’s so easy to forgive you after you acted like that? Yeah I mean people deserve 2nd chances- BUT BUDDY YOU BLEW YOUR 2ND CHANCE WHEN YOU STARTED ACTING LIKE A LIKE A PIG AGAIN AFTER WE DIDN’T FORGIVE YOU.
Maybe you should just LEAVE THE APP! Do you have any idea how much we hate you?! You’re so immature. No one likes you Abdel. Keyy is right you apologize and say you’re sorry but really you’re the same pig you think you’re not. Get a life abdel. So stfu and go back to your other millions of accounts and maybe think,
“Well DAYUUUUUM I was a real creep, maybe it’s not as easy as I make it seem TO BE FORGIVEN after all of the people I’ve harassed.”🖕

3 years ago   Reply (1)

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