|[ π– π–»π—’π—Œπ—Œ ]|

Boutta lose it

I mean... she’s saying that Kitten/Kittenself and stuff like that make neopronouns look like a joke
Frankly she’s trying to protect people who use Neopronouns

She’s not talking about trans people either

And like... can’t someone who is cis have an opinion about stuff like this?



|[ π– π–»π—’π—Œπ—Œ ]|

Shut the actual fuck up. Jen is not "protecting" neopronoun users. They are invalidating them. Kitten/kittenself is valid. So is puppy/puppyself, tree/treeself, and any other neopronouns that might objectify a person, as long as they want to use those pronouns.

3 years ago   Reply (1)

|[ π– π–»π—’π—Œπ—Œ ]|

No cis people cannot have an opinion on this 😊

3 years ago   Reply

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