
Pissy ♥︎

I don't support him anymore pls believe me


  Pissy ♥︎


+using you don’t support him anymore is not an excuse for us to look at you completely better

Admit to what your actions, admit to the people you’ve hurt, and admit you were completely wrong

Your actions have consequences, and these are those consequences
Don’t expect people to appraise you, but actually standing up to what you did gives us more of a reason to not completely despise and and so we can move on from this

3 years ago   Reply
  Pissy ♥︎


I’ve already stated i can understand changing views
I can understand if you don’t support him any longer

But during when this incident was going on you chose to ignore what we were saying and continued to suckup to frank and disrespected the victim in the issue,
Those actions cannot be reversed
You knowingly disregarded what Tank had just been through and put a lot more stress onto him, and looked up to someone who is a horrendous person,
And that is sickening

3 years ago   Reply



3 years ago   Reply

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