





While you are a teenager, having sex could get you tried as an adult in the eyes of the law. If that happens, you go on an unrepentant list for “Sex Offenders.” It is very strict. On there, you go to jail and serve a very long sentence. Then, you get out of jail. But, you are both a registered sex offender and a felon. That means you cannot get loans or scholarships. You will find it hard to get the minimum of legal jobs. You would have to register as a sex offender everywhere you go. You have to inform all your neighbors, assuming you can getting your own house at all, and you cannot legally live within a certain distance of large facilities that children go to (i.e. school, Chuck E Cheese, etc.), even if your landlord allowed it.

One of the hardest truths to accept is that there are certain feelings that must be felt rather than acted upon. It would be a good idea to wait for nine years to start dating. Frankly, these feelings would go away with time.

3 years ago   Reply (1)


No, not at all. A nine year old is still a little kid. He probably hasn't hit puberty yet. Think about it, you (most likely) have had sexual thoughts before, while he is innocent.

Do not get me wrong, my grandparents have a four year age gap, and they are the happiest couple in the world. However, at both you and his ages, four years is a massive difference. Watching a movie or going to church together is okay, engaging in anything more romantic than a hug could put you in a legally bad place.

3 years ago   Reply

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