new hip tumblr sexyman (it/he)

Kandi problems

dream pisses me off bro i literally cannot his fanbase shelters and protects him so much and yet theyre the ones who say they listen to poc



new hip tumblr sexyman (it/he)

Not to mention he hypes his fanbase up so much talking about how they "would NEVER do that" when he got bullied by HIS OWN STANS when the (supposed) face reveal came out for being fat. Like bro 😐

3 years ago   Reply

new hip tumblr sexyman (it/he)

Same bro that's why I want to sell this bracelet n be done w it. Like ya ok buddy you pay me to hate dream over here. I have a depop w like kandi bracelets w 2/4 (I include bbh bc I am sexy) of the dream team members but I'm like,, so,, do I face the dream stans?? Or do I just post this n hope they don't find my insta. Right now I have old wilbur, old quackity, george, and sapnap. So the fact that I have tracksuit quackity n yellow sweater mc skin wilbur based bracelets show that they're THAT old y'know.

3 years ago   Reply (1)

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