

°^° I don't want to but Everyone will hate me they attacked me with hatefull comments they said that I'm stupid to like someone like you I couldn't stand that anymore and since I'm already struggling in my life this made it worse it seemed as if I'm acting so childish and dumb even someone made a news about how ppl should unfollow me I dinint want to turn all my hard work on this app to dust bc I worked for more than too months making the best drawings to be one of the best artists is just that these days I'm just kinda stuck with young followers and it was boring




yes I understand .. but where am I? this is not a way out of your situation
before when they wrote to me bad things I was sad even cried at night they seemed to want to get rid of me (but now I don't care because they don't deserve my attention
and I want you to spit on them too and continue your work) they are nobody for you, an empty place

2 years ago   回复 (1)

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