

“ one thing he did”
If anyone is acting like a 4 yr old, its you.
The reason we continue to talk against him isn’t just because of one small thing. He has harassed, threatened, and acted like a huge pervert to a 12 yr old and others who have tried to defend them from Frank; not to mention it’s not like this is some past event, he is still doing it to this day.
And no one is bullying you or that girl. People were trying to educate you two and both of you decided to keep liking frank afterwards which is absolutely disgusting, so people spoke their opposing views. Expressed opinions ≠ bullying.
It’s not cute to drool over or support someone who has threatened to rape a 12 yr old and draw child porn of that same child with him. It’s sick. And that goes for anyone who continues to support him after knowing what he did.




Keep being mean to Frank and he's not gonna stop like he doesn't have a chance to say sorry or try to be friends because Tank is always mean to Frank so how is Frank supposed to be nice to him when he's mean to him?!

2 years ago   Reply (3)

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