Dangerous mist (leader of t...


Next is the training room I teach the kids how to fight use guns shit I learned and downstairs -grabs tops hand- here is the kitchen
Luci and cai: hey
That is Lucifer Sanchez and Cai de'monte Blake and Apollo's older brother over there is the living room
Thats Kyle my favorite of the house hold rn he is just adorable
Cai: -smacks mist upside the head- no
Yes anyway next to that is the Landry room and then in that room is the cellar we don't go down there
Cellar: -screams- mostly the best part of it is when that happens for some reason
Because hearing the screams feel nice
Luci: no no kill em
I'll get amber or Sophie to do it
Luci: who did everything but kill him
Luci:you kill him
-makes gun appear out of no where- one second tops! -goes downstairs then gunshots are fired- :> yey -come up- THERE! How will I sleep at night?
Luci: like a human being
Then you become a demon.......being...fuck you


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