Wolfie5Gaming(alpha of the ...

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No she's like the very first perosn well the third person on here that that met cause the other to we don't speak much anymore but ruby was one of the first people that I met and she was always there for me and made me happy laugh and she was nearly the only person that would comment and like my posts and she would say how good my art was and she was such a lovely person if the hacker is Frank FRANK LISTEN UP YOU HAVE TOOK AWAY SUCH A NICE PERSON FROM ME YOY A BAD A PEROSN HOW DARE YOU RUBY WAS AAN AMZKNG PEROSN AND YOU HAD TO GO AND DO THAY WHAT DO YOY WANT FROM US I HAYE YOY ruby if you can see this just know that I miss you so much and you have done so many things for me that I'm relaly happy about come back to me ruby plz I miss you so much come back to me puppy πŸ’—πŸΊπŸ’—πŸΊ


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