💜Zee Bee💙 @onelayergirl

Doggy animations

Well first off I’m not a mom 😂🚫 and second this isn’t a kids app. It’s for 12 and up. So any artist is free to use it as they wish 😌✍🏽✨also I’ve seen older users than me on here 👀 so yea adults use this too lol


  Doggy animations

💜Zee Bee💙 @onelayergirl

I am just saying it’s not so often you meet a 31 year old on a 12 and up app, and there is no where where it says that this app is 12 and up…when I joined on my other account I was 10 so does that mean I have just now reached the age requirement…. Oh forgot there is no age restriction, drawing is for everyone
, no matter the quality or sanity 0-0… or someone’s work, it is still a creative outlet, for any age to use

3 years ago   Reply (1)

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