
I had no idea D*mb*ss Kelly (or was) and Antony Oreo broke up ;,’c

We broke up 6 months ago
She didn't really take the relationship serious
I was the only one starting the conversations
And she ignored me from time to time
I worked very hard to make her happy
Just for it all to be a lie
She admitted to never caring about me
She didn't take me serious whenever I talked to her about her actions that led to me breaking up with her
After we broke up she started being rude for no reason
She became an asshole tbh
She made me seem like a bad person to her friends
Eventually I was able to redeem myself tho
I'm glad we're not together anymore
She probably would've started being toxic if we were still together




I tried talking to her about all of this one last time recently
But it turned out she didn't care
She was talking to one of our friends as I was telling her how she was making me feel
Saying things like "I closed his DM 😈"
"Mans is still DMing me"
When I was sent the screenshots of her being an absolute jerk,
I blocked her
I haven't talked to her since
So yeah
That's what happened

2 years ago   Reply (1)

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