

LISTEN , i am not in the mood of wasting my time with you , all what you think is that i am an idiot and that "i have no idea " how copying works , i probably knows even more things then you and i am maybe even more cultivated then you , so , all what i am asking is that you change your oc desing because , it BOTHER me , and legit have the rigth to complaint about it , like you , who are complaning about the other copying you. remember it ,
you're not better then me in any way , who are you to doubt and juge about if i know how copying works ?
and if you think that i am gonna let this slide , then you're the one delusional here
and if you think that i am not rigth to complaint about the similaries between Abdel and Leo.
then let me tell you something.
you dont own pink hair and cat ears ma'am
if you dont change your oc desing because it bother me , i dont see why the others should change them oc desing because it bother you




Wow you really deleted the comment :). Hey man I can break it down for you. Because you did just admit you copied. But you would have to think to know why that’s the case, and all you do is talk and not think as much, so I understand why you wouldn’t understand right away.

2 years ago   Reply


And you comparing my OC who has existed for years to your post that was made less than 2 months ago is not the same as people commenting on my posts, asking for designs, and changing them to look like my OC after.

2 years ago   Reply (1)


Okay, let me go through all your points.
1. You say Leo and your OC share similarities. Pale skin, which you can't own, a headband and earrings, which he's had ever since I joined, and the same eyes/eyelashes, which may I add, he doesn't even have eyelashes and again, I can't copy you if that post never existed when I made Leo.
2. I made my OC way before you and others. They've been on my page for YEARS, so anything after that can't be copied. I'm not calling you an idiot either, but logically speaking, you can't copy something if it was made AFTER you made something. You have all the right in the world to complain, but factually speaking, it would've been impossible for me to know you would've made a post. I'm not a mind reader.
3. Originality can be seen. I don't own cat ears and pink hair, but when there's more than 5 traits I can point out that's similar in a character and the person follows me and comments, obviously, it means they copied.

2 years ago   Reply


Bro you are wasting your own time with this argument. Tbh you just admitted that you copied :).

2 years ago   Reply

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