

5 traits is already too much imagine doing a whole post for ocs that have less then 5 trait similar with your oc , for me 5 is too much and actually , congrats , you just concluded what i've said , what an archivement ,
i dont care if you're not a mind reader , or if your oc existed for years spare me with your bullshit , and act more i've said that Leo and Abdel are too much similar ( for me ) and that it bother ( me ) so could you PLEASE change Leo's desing because it BOTHER me and YOU should RESPECT that PLEASE and THANKS




That's why I made the post? Because they always have 5 or MORE traits that are similar. You even told me on Discord that you got your design from Sora from Food Wars. And you never mentioned Leo looking the same ever until now. Let me put it into perspective. That's as if you made your OC and started claiming the creator of food wars copied you. IT CAN'T BE POSSIBLE BECAUSE YOUR POST NEVER EXISTED. And I'm not changing my OC because of a post you made AFTER he was already made.

2 years ago   Reply (1)


your point is like saying is that person 1 has a character then person 2 has a character that has the slightest similarity and gets bashed on for that

2 years ago   Reply (1)

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