Inactive search up Gothic i...
my guy she doesn’t need anyone making an account for her , especially as that just sounds like you’re trying to force her back onto the app in which she may not want to be apart of anymore
she’s talked about leaving multiple times , and obviously right now she’s probably not taking this well
just leave her be and let her recover at her own pace ; she doesn’t need a new account created by someone else
( which is stupid in the first place as that’ll leave you knowing her email ) to become happy , nor someone trying to push her into getting back on and being active
it’s hard to let YEARS of work go when it’s taken from you without warning or chance of recovery , it’d be dumb to expect her to be happy about starting from scratch all over again
Huh now I don't want to use this faking app now pissy thanks for reminding me how much I hate this app it's wasn't you you make kick ass content and motha faking comments that make people think imma go on ng imma take a break with this app