
. . . I want to leave this bitch family . . .

Hey, i hope you are doing fine, im sorry this is happening to you, this happens to me too, my dad is transphobic, and refuses to call me a he(also i hate admitting im trans^^"), and my mom is supportive(because she has a very open friend group) it's just that they are both very strict, and christians, and my dad says 'being trans is a sin' and stuff a lot, so i just talk about lgbtq+ things around him a lot bc yes, but what i mean i that i get it, so strict that i shouldn't even be on this app(if they found out i was, im dead lmao)




Oh , that must be a pain, dear my . It's true, my parents would kill me if they find out i had this app,

2 years ago   Reply (1)

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