she has you on her dni for a reason, it stands for so not interact and here you are, it’s like reading a sign saying no trespassing and trespassing, you literally can’t get more ignorant than this, and asking her to compete in ur challenge??? like??? also you don’t get to decide peoples opinions on you, if ur on someone’s dni it’s for a reason. just leave her alone
I.. honestly cannot believe you right now. It was one thing that you deliberately ignored my DNI and the fact that I replied to you TWICE saying I don't want you commenting, but now you want me to literally do an "event" that involves you. I even said I wouldn't block you, but that's not enough for you? Let's get this straight. You accused me of copying your OC with Leo, one of my favored OCs, and never apologized, in that same instance, you tried acting like Jazzy, one of my closest friends on here, was a racist for comparing your OC to a lego due to the simplicity of it, and you acknowledge you're on my DNI yet you don't seem to respect me enough to follow my boundaries. Is there any question now why you're still on it? LEAVE 👏 ME 👏 ALONE 👏
Yeah well you're in her DNI for a reason. Look back to how you treated her, you deserved to be blocked and not given another 100th chance from this community. You can't even respect her DNI. 🤦 Leave. Her. Alone.