Pissy ♥︎

Who in the jim jim Sherlock is abdel?, and why does everyone hate him?

i’m still marking down what hes done , but here’s some bullet points :)

- obsession and flirted with nic (11 yr old) (he was 15) ↫ this is why we call him a pedo
- i believe drew porn of himself with a young minor
- claimed to be a lolicon
- transphobic
- homophobic
- insulted others art
- told nic’s followers to die
- sent death related comments
- disrespecting creators content
- rudely giving ‘constructive criticism’ for others art
- doesn’t respect dnis
- harassed users for copying his oc , even though none of them had resemblance
- sexist



Pissy ♥︎

Hm, okie dokie then

3 years ago   返信

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