The Davis Family(Member of ...

Odd_Animations_Studios ⁽ˡᵉᵃ...

Elizabeth: but- b-b (remembers when her sister told her the same thing and she killed papyrus) I'll heal you first (heals Susie up to 70 hp) ugh okay.... Three two.... One. (Full power and it takes susie up to 1hp)


  Odd_Animations_Studios ⁽ˡᵉᵃ...

The Davis Family(Member of ...

Susie: didn't hit me- wait Odd?

Odd: *standing in front of Susie* Susie you idiot. Humans have more power than you think. Even if you think your okay, your really not. Your slowly becoming dust at that point... Even if humans mean to go easy... Their very... Strong. (Odd is at 0 HP) stay... DETERMINED. (Odd is at 2 HP, Susie is at 100) ...

Susie: Maybe she should use a training dummy for now...

Odd: *coughs* meh. That's a good idea-


Odd: yeah I'm going to team's shop for some healing items... See you there... *poof*

3 years ago   Reply (1)

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