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I'll talk a bit more tomorrow it's 3am.

I was assuming you where the person on nicks account, since you have broken English, much like Nick and his "friend" your drawing style is similar to nicks, albeit a bit different, your account was created after Nick died, so I assumed you where his friend.
Anyways Nick is probably still alive even if you are not related to him.

Also why are you so obsessed with Nick for someone who made this account after he stopped posting and died. Why are you following him? He's supposedly dead, he's not going to post.

Anyways like I said it's 3am. I'll talk tomorrow.




First lwst talk tomorow, but no, acc created before , i was some weeks here and before days i ll post my first post i saw massage to uraraka post, but you are not wrong , everythinf you saying was truth so , but truth wasnot the one, i am not nick. Shit why i posted now if you ll say i am not nick in heart you ll always think that i am him so i cant do anything so ...... But with ur massages everyone ll think i am nick but if you dont know, and others, i dont care what u think, i am i am, nick is nick, you are you, nicks fanns is nicks fans, my fans is my fans. But tomorow we cant talk morning i can massage you but if i ll dont reply thats means i deleted app, my mob is bad so here i cant down too much app or it can broke so skrry and good bye again

3 years ago   Reply

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