
Hey guys just here to say watch out for exo or maybe a report?

leave my freinds alone




Dude leave yourself out of this. This has nothing to do with you so mind your own business. Your friends obviously did something bad and are now being called out for it. They have proven to us and anyone else who has seen this post, that they are not good people. They said hurtful things to Jake and didn't care how they made him feel at all. What did you want Jake to do? Sit back and let them hurt him emotionally just because they're your friends? You need to learn which battles are worth fighting and which aren't 'cause this ain't one of those worthy battles.

3 years ago   Reply


Dont get involved into stuff that doesnt involve you , it just causes more problems (ใ€€ยด,_ใ‚๏ฝ€) . Yes i know im olso kinda involving myself but you're butting in just because they're your friends .

3 years ago   Reply
  ๐’ฎ๐“€๐‘’๐“…๐“‰๐’พ๐’ธ๐“ˆ #๐Ÿฃ ๐น๐’ถ๐“ƒ


Please understand they did things that weren't nice and hurt my feelings. I get they're your friends and I see no problem with that at all, but you gotta know when your friends are in the wrong and should be held responsible for their actions. If not, they'll do the same thing to other people or you.
I can't be upset with you since you're only defending your friends and I hope they appreciate that you are doing so. Also, don't worry about the reporting part. They both have more than 100 followers, so neither will be banned.

3 years ago   Reply

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