Drama Solver


Hey Ash. I'm an acquaintance of Jake's and I was hoping I could speak with you about his behavior so far.
I've seen his posts and sure what Eliasmoh did was bad but Jake could've handled them a lot better than he did.
I already spoke with Eliasmoh and is currently waiting for his reply.

So, Jake is actually a very nice guy, but he has a mental condition that makes him aggressive and mean. It's only getting worse as he gets older. I think you should make a post and try to talk to him. If you have him blocked, unblock him so you two can actually interact with each other. He won't understand your side of the story at first but you gotta be patient with him.


  "Ultra Player" (On a journey)

Drama Solver

Omg it's drama solver! Ty!!

3 years ago   Reply (1)

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