

I again know why she's doing but I don't agree with it either . I was forced to a Christian church as a kid and if it taught me anything it's that religion is supposed to use fear and comfort to restrain it's users and keep them . Christianity does this by saying everyone's going to hell so it makes alot of it's users freak out and try to convert everyone and everything . Like you said it's very annoying and makes me really made to see people abused like that


  Danganronpa X6


Sorry about that, I thought you were trying to defend sky, luckily, Catholicism and Protestantism are really different and Protestantism is less toxic than the latter. Not to say tyrd is wrong to be atheist, people should be able to choose what they do or don’t believe in.

2 years ago   Reply


Yeah and luckily all the people she was trying to “covert to the light of god” seemed to be a lot older and more knowing of what she was trying to do, I’ve never been forced into religion but I’ve seen many friends be forced into it and they’re just nothing but depressed over it, like you can believe in a god but don’t force or scare others into believing one with you

2 years ago   Reply

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