
R3: I wanna kiss Terrence (@corn)

If anyone wants to accept my challenge draw an oc as a Godzilla kaiju and when your done go on my profile look for the picture that says CHALLENGE: draw yourself as a kaiju on the name comment done




Stop promoting your own channel
in the comments,
It's obnoxious, unrelated, and a bore!

When you're promoting your own channel

in the comments,
Well, it's not really a comment anymore!

Now I understand, you're trying to grow-

Add more viewers to your show.
We all wanna be a Pewdiepie~
But when you type this type of shit,
It doesn't make me wanna click-
In fact, I'd rather leave a rude reply!

(Too much?)
(It was- That was a little too much,
Right- I'm sorry. Fellas, I...)
(This stuff really salts my apples, you
know what I mean? A-Anyways.)
Stop promoting your in channel
in the comments,
Dude, it doesn't even work,
it's bad business!

And when you see someone pro-
moting their own channel
in the comments,
Mark as spam 'cause that's exactly

what it is~!

Mark as spam 'cause that's exactly

what is it!

2 years ago   Reply (1)

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