

an impostor ? lmao , i really did hurt them , and i regret and i apologized ( publicaly ) and personaly to them ,
"shes made me out to look like a pedophile which Im not" still , i am agree with that part




Lastly, anytime you were called a pedo, you pulled the "I'm not 18/ a legal adult yet" card. Does that make it better? In America, 16 is the minimum age to be considered a pedophile. "Oh, but I'm not in America". Let's put it into perspective. If someone who was 17 in the US were to date a 13 year old from Japan, is that okay? The age of consent in Japan is 13, right? So it's okay, right?

No. You still have to look at laws from BOTH countries. But regardless, it's sooo great knowing the only thing keeping you from being a pedo is the fact that you're only one year away from being a legal adult when the minimum age is literally one year less than what you are /s

2 years ago   Reply


Please, as if I made you out to be anything. What did I lie in here about? Are you going to deny trying to date Cali and say those screenshots are fake? You said you hurt them and apologized, so obviously they are real or what did you have to apologize for? Majority of this post is copy and pasted from Ian who is in direct contact with Cali and Corn and the only things I ever said was that you were creepy and a jerk to kids. If you think that means "pedo" then that's your own comprehension and you can't blame me for how you take it.

2 years ago   Reply
  πŸ“HeyItsJazzy πŸ“


Why would you keep talking on alts if it really is an imposter? You're known for talking on alts when you're too much of a coward to say it on your actual account so.. You kinda did this one to yourself.

2 years ago   Reply (1)

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