
Please read desc, this is not okay

Wtf mate ? Wtf , i am serious , what the * is this ? Who tf are you even ? 😐
Listen usually, i dont argue with people 7 YEARS younger then me , but this time like in a lot of situations i see myself obliged to say something because THIS is directly concerning ME ,
1 please stop making posts related to me nobody wants drama , why you doing that ? For awarness ? Lol for clicks yeah, " aww guys help me there's a mean artist that ManiPULATES mE ".
I dont care about the reason of why you doing that, but stop it exept Jake him who literally have no life posts related to me = problems , and people hate problems they avoid them people hate drama , people got enouth of this people IS sick of all of this you got what me said ?
Or should me repeat it slowly ?




And to answer your questions, first to last:
1. I’m a human, who are you?
2. Yeah, for awareness! You got it, kid
3. NO I don’t understand a word you said because you look like you’re using a bloody translator

2 years ago   Reply

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