

It’s alr, I’m sorry that people treat you like that.
That’s why I’m here, I will make you feel special with love ❤️💖💖💗💕💘
And it just grosses me out how people do that to you, it shows how much things like that can fuck up a person.




Thanks man
I just don’t get it
Why did they decide to go for me , why can’t I just block them , why can’t I just tell them to stop , I feel like they like me because they tell me all the time and I feel like I’m starting to grow a connection
I don’t know if I’m being groomed , it scares me
I want to leave but they compliment me so much , it makes me happy
I like their attention , I guess even if it’s something I don’t like
This hasn’t even been going on for that long I’m just being a baby about it
I don’t feel hungry anymore , I throw up all my food , I don’t feel as happy anymore , I feel dependent on them , I hate this but I love this I don’t know what I’m doing

2 years ago   Reply (1)

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