Do you are have the stupid

Another important message

You don't lie about me and I can have a peaceful life


  🎃Spooky~Zeko🎃 {Alt*}

Do you are have the stupid

I believe lady violet, young people shouldn't be rude to others. I'm 10 and I don't be rude to others. If you want to KEEP the app, I would suggest that you STOP being rude to others, be kind. They have feelings too. Stop being selfish, please. And stop spreading rumours about others, think about how they feel. Be a nicer person, everyone will like u if u be kinder.

2 years ago   回复 (1)

Do you are have the stupid

But you don't give me a peaceful life instead hating, being rude and swearing at me

2 years ago   回复

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