• 💋Allottees💅 •

!!IMPORTANT!! Regarding the recent incident with Abdel

I have only got up to paste board 5. Is this 'Abdul' a Christian? First in the bible it states that you should not force religious activities or religion on living beings. Cheating yes is adultery which is in the 10 commandments. The 10 most important commandments!! God made man and woman to reproduce but he also gave them free will (To do whatever they wanted). not saying you should go have an affair with an animal as that is against the law but you should be able to date whoever you want!! I am 14 aswell and I totally understand how she is feeling i just think this behaviour coming from an almost adult in a few states/ countries/ continents. Is disgusting This is not a Christians behaviour!! He has Evil in him, and he is refusing for it to come out.

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